What does running the Wizz Air Rome Half Marathon with SSF mean?
The fight against educational poverty and social marginalisation also passes through the need to guarantee access to sport as a fundamental right of children, which allows them to experience and develop skills, relationships, talents, passions and aspirations regardless of the social condition from which they come.

SSF has been pursuing social inclusion through sport in Rome for more than 10 years, where last year alone it involved 148 families with children aged between 6 and 17 years, living in conditions of socio-economic hardship in the Roman suburbs.
The actions dedicated to the beneficiaries are not only limited to their inclusion in sports courses held by qualified trainers, but include psycho-pedagogical accompaniment throughout the year, by a team dedicated to the children and their families, in order to foster the development of relationships in healthy and balanced environments.
Each course includes free medical examinations for the participating child, parenting support actions as well as the inclusion of families within a network of territorial events based on sport, entertainment and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, in order to increase the social capital of individuals and combat isolation and educational poverty.
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- Simone Gavino +39 339 380 33 59
- Email corripernoi@sportsenzafrontiere.it
- Instagram – @sportsenzafrontiereonlus
- Facebook – Sport Senza Frontiere